How to Code 2-Point Spatial Correlations for Materials Microstructures

September 13, 2024

Lego pieces joined together to form a pyramid-like structure
Photo by author

Observe in the above photo how different-sized Lego pieces are joined together to make the pyramid-like structure. Similarly, materials are also made up of micro and macro structures. Each of these features is interlinked to various properties of materials. I have discussed this structural hierarchy of materials in my blog post, 'Exploring Hierarchical Materials'. Materials hierarchy is not only limited to organising but also to correlating different length-scaled structures impacting the materials properties and subsequently the performance metrics. In other words, the structural properties govern the functional properties of materials. We can view the structural features of materials using different types of microscopes. Also, it is crucial to understand the spatial distributions of these features mathematically using correlation functions.

This tutorial provides a comprehensive coding guidance to compute 2-point correlation functions.

Coding 2-Point correlations using PyMKS

Before diving into the coding activity, it is important to get aquainted with a few terms associated with correlation functions.

  • 1-point correlation function (1-point statistics):Denotes the probability of finding a stucture or feature at one particular point. 1-point statistics compute the volume fractions of the local states in the microstructure
  • 2-point correlation function (2-point statistics): This function describes the probability of finding pairs of points, separated by a certain distance, both belonging to a specific phase or feature. By analyzing 2-point correlations, one can identify patterns such as periodicity, alignment, or randomness in the microstructure.
  • When the 2 local states are the same, it is referred to as a auto correlation. And if the 2 local states are different, it is called cross correlation.
  • Note that 2-point correlations also serve as the foundation for higher order N-point statistics, which can capture even more complex spatial relationships within a material.

    Example 1: Demonstration with simulated microstructure

    Step 1: Install PyMKS and the necessary packages
    pip install pymks
    from pymks import (generate_multiphase, plot_microstructures,
    PrimitiveTransformer, TwoPointCorrelation,FlattenTransformer )

    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from PIL import Image
    from skimage import io, color
    from skimage.color import rgb2gray
    from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline

    Step 2: Generating simulated image
    Box = np.zeros((400,400))
    x, y = np.ogrid[:400, :400]
    for i in range(0,420,50):
        for j in range(0,420,50):
            circles = (x-i)**2 + (y-j)**2 <= 10**2
            Box[circles] = 1.0
    plt.imshow(Box, cmap ='gray')
    #Histogram generation
    plt.hist(Box.ravel(), bins=100)
    Simulated Binary image with 2 phases (Phase 1: Black matrix; Phase 2: White circles)

    Step 3: Adding Sample and Phase axes to image shape

    PyMKS requires certain data shapes for 2-point spatial correlation calculations. To compute 2-point correlations for two-dimensional microstructure, PyMKS requires a 4-dimensional array.

    table showing 4 axes

    In the phase axis, the specific phase is encoded as '1's and the rest of the image gets '0's-analogous to one-hot encoding in image analysis.

    Adding sample axis


    Output:(400, 400)

    Box_a=np.expand_dims(Box, axis=0)

    Output:(1, 400, 400)

    Adding phase axis

    d1 = PrimitiveTransformer(n_state=2, min_=0.0, max_=1.0).transform(Box_a)

    Output:(1, 400, 400, 2)

    The PrimitiveTransformer of PyMKS generates the inverted version of the orginal image.

    One-hot encoding of the phases

    # first phase and second phase is considered 1
        d1[0, :, :, 0],
        d1[0, :, :, 1],
        titles=['First phase matrix', 'Second phase circles'],
    Step 4: Computing correlations
    #Auto correlations (matrix-matrix and circle-circle)
        d1_corr = TwoPointCorrelation( periodic_boundary=True,cutoff=201,
        correlations=[(0, 0), (1, 1)]).transform(d1)
        d1_corr[0,:, :, 0],
        d1_corr[0,:, :, 1],
        titles=['Correlation [0, 0]', 'Correlation [1, 1]']
    Auto correlation maps of simulated microstructure
    First image (left): (0,0) vector corresponding to volume fraction of first phase, matrix is ~ 90%. Second image (right): (0,0) vector corresponding to volume fraction of second phase, circles is ~ 10%.

    #Cross correlation
        d1_corr_cr = TwoPointCorrelation(
        correlations=[(0,0), (0, 1)]
        plot_microstructures(d1_corr_cr[0,:, :, 0],d1_corr_cr[0,:, :, 1],
        titles=['Correlation [0, 0]', 'Correlation [0, 1]']
    Cross correlation map of simulated microstructure
    (Left image) Auto correlation of matrix phase, volume fraction taken at the centre is ~90%.

    (Right image): Cross correlation between matrix and circular phase. The probability of finding matrix and circular phase together is 0% at (0,0).

    Double Checking volume fractions by conventional way
    # matrix is black (designated as 0.0)
    count_m = 0
    xsize = Box.shape[0]
    ysize = Box.shape[1]
    for i in range(0,xsize):
      for j in range(0,ysize):
        if Box[i,j] == 0.0:
          count_m += 1


    Matrix phase: ~ 87%
    # circle phase is white (designated as 1.0)
    count_c = 0
    xsize = Box.shape[0]
    ysize = Box.shape[1]
    for i in range(0,xsize):
      for j in range(0,ysize):
        if Box[i,j] == 1.0:
          count_c += 1
    Circular phase: ~ 13%

    Example 2: Real Microstructure (Scanning electron micrograph of Pearlite)

    Load the image as shown in example 1

    Scanning ELectron micrograph of Pearlite showing 2 phases of ferrite and cementite
    SEM of Pearlite microstructure. Click for Reference

    The microstructure has lamellar morphology with alternating bands of cementite and ferrite. Cementite is Fe3C and has orthorhombic crystal structure. Ferrite is Fe2O3 with body centered cubic (BCC) crystal structure.

    Unlike the first image, this is a RGB image as computed from shape function. An additional step is required in this case to convert the image to grayscale.

    Code Output
    (875, 985, 3)
    (875, 985)

    Hence, we convert this RGB image to grayscale image using rgb2gray function of skimage.color module (scikit-image package). The shape of the image changes from (875, 985, 3) to (875, 985).

    As before, check the histogram of the image to get an overview of the distribution of pixel values and intensities.

    Code Output
    plt.hist(im_s_g.ravel(), bins=100)
    histogram of SEM

    Repeat step 3 and 4 as demonstrated in example 1.

    # Adding sample axis
    im_s_g1=np.expand_dims(im_s_g, axis=0)
    #Adding phase axis
    d2=PrimitiveTransformer(n_state=2, min_=0.0, max_=1.0).transform(im_s_g1)
    d2[0,:, :, 0],
    d2[0,:, :, 1],
    titles=['1s for Ferrite phase ', '1s for Cementite phase'],cmap = 'gray')

    The encoded images are displayed below. Left image shows the ferrite phase encoded as '1's while the right image shows cemnetite phase as bright regions.

    Encoded SEM images of pearlite showing the specific phase as 1s and the rest as 0s.

    ✓ Finding the auto correlations

    d2_corr = TwoPointCorrelation(
        correlations=[(0, 0), (1, 1)]
    # Auto Correlation Maps
        d2_corr[0,:, :, 0],
        d2_corr[0,:, :, 1],
        titles=['Correlation [0, 0]', 'Correlation [1, 1]']    
    Auto correlation maps of the Pearlite SEM
    Images show auto correlation maps of first (ferrite) and second (cementite) phases. The center pixel (0,0) represents the volume fraction which can be read from the color code.

    Ferrite volume fraction ~ 55%; Cementite volume fraction ~ 33%

    ✓ Cross checking the volume fractions as done in example 1

    xsize = im_s_g.shape[0]
    ysize = im_s_g.shape[1]
    #Output: (875, 985)
    # Voulme fraction of cementite (bright regions in original micrograph)
    count_w_s = 0
    for i in range(0,xsize):
      for j in range(0,ysize):
        if im_s_g[i,j] > 0.9:
          count_w_s += 1
    #volume fraction calculated for cementite ~ 31%
    #Volume fraction of ferrite (dark regions in the original micrrgraph)  
    count_b_s = 0
    for i in range(0,xsize):
      for j in range(0,ysize):
        if im_s_g[i,j] < 0.1:
          count_b_s += 1
    # volume fraction calculated for ferrite ~ 46%

    Note that in this example, the sum of two phases is not adding up to 100% as there are pixel values in between 0 and 1 as seen from the histogram.

    ✓ Plotting cross correlation map

    d2_corr_cr = TwoPointCorrelation(
        correlations=[(0, 1)]
    # Cross Correlation Map
        d2_corr_cr[0,:, :, 0],
        titles=['Cross Correlation [0, 1]']
    Cross correlation map of the Pearlite SEM
    Here, the (0, 0) vector has an approximate value of less than 10% implying the probabilty of 2 phases co-existing is less than 10% in the same spatial voxel.

    Please click here to access the entire code.